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Quack Arrested for Performing Abortions for Underage Girls in Plateau

Fake Doctor Performs Low-Cost Abortions in Plateau

According to an investigative report, a fake doctor has been conducting abortions for young girls in the Yan-Doya community of Jos, Plateau State.

Undertaken by a journalist from Kano aided by the Women Radio Centre and MacArthur Foundation, the report exposed one Ali Madida who poses as a doctor operating an illegal medical facility.

He was also accused of sex trafficking young illiterate girls below the age of 15.  The report also shed light on how men took advantage of underaged girls for a measly sum of N5,000. The girls had no option but to return to the facility for an abortion once they got pregnant.

One of the victims who spoke anonymously narrated how she and her friend went for an abortion but only she survived. 

Identified as Khadija narrated how she had abortions anytime she got pregnant.

“After some months, I noticed that I was pregnant, so I went back to Dr. Ali and he aborted the pregnancy for me. I suffered from stomach pain for months. I nearly died before I got myself back,” she told the reporter. A few months later, a friend of mine, Halima went to him to abort her pregnancy and in the process of the abortion, she got some complications and died.”

Many like Khadija spoke anonymously because they did not want to lose deals with Madida the fake doctor.

The report also stated that Madida had been in police custody on a few occasions but was later released.

Toun Sanaiya, chief executive officer (CEO) of Women Radio Centre has commended the reporter for her bravery and audacity in uncovering the story.

The project officer of the centre, Taiwo Adeleye also commended the reporter adding that the arrest of the culprit, Madida would soon be effected and have his licence revoked.

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