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Reality TV Star Faith Morey Advocates for Alex Iwobi

In her interview on News Central’s Jasiri, Reality TV Star Faith Morey spoke out against online bullying, drawing from her own childhood experiences and her current struggles as a celebrity facing cyberbullying.

She urged Nigerians to do better, shedding light on the recent case of Super Eagles player Alex Iwobi, who has been targeted with vicious attacks online following Nigeria’s loss at the AFCON 2023 Finals.

She emphasised the importance of understanding that football is a team sport, pleading with football enthusiasts to remember that no single player bears the sole responsibility for the team’s performance.

“I understand Nigeria is going through a lot, and this football season was an escape; we just wanted a win,” she acknowledged. “But I ask fans and Nigerians to remember that it’s not one man that makes a team, not even if he was the best player. There was no way they could have won without a team effort.”

Faith appealed to fans to exercise caution in their criticism, warning that their actions may have severe consequences for players like Iwobi, potentially leading to suicidal thoughts or reluctance to represent Nigeria in future tournaments.

She further added that nothing prepares anyone for online bullying, stating, “There is a difference between stating opinions and bullying.”

With humans having varying emotional capacities, people handle things differently, she noted.


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