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Roadside Blast: Four Killed in Garissa County Incident

A tragic roadside blast claimed the lives of four people and left two others critically injured in Garissa County, Kenya’s Northeast on Friday, the police confirmed.

According to police security report, the victims met their untimely end when the vehicle conveying them was hit by an improvised explosive device (IED) along the Dadaab-Garissa Road.

“The four were killed and two others were seriously injured when their vehicle was hit by an IED between Egge dam and Bogyar along Dadaab-Garissa,” the report stated.

The incident is the latest of many other repeated attacks from militants at the border region.

The police also confirmed that security operations have been strengthened to prevent any further attacks in the region.

Kenya is currently grappling with extreme weather situations, particularly floods, in the past month.

At least 170 persons lost their lives in the flood, and over 600,000 displaced. Hundreds of Kenyans are trapped, and many homes have been washed away.

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