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Rwanda, AfDB Partner to Invest $30 Million to Expand Forests

Rwandan Forest (News Central TV)

The African Development Bank (AfDB) in collaboration with Rwanda, inaugurated a $30-million initiative in Kigali on Tuesday, to conserve and expand forest cover across the country.

According to the Ministry of Environment, the five-year initiative will focus on agroforestry, soil erosion control, agroforestry, tree species diversification, and dissemination of technology to targeted farming households to reduce pressure on crops, among other interventions.   

 The ministry says one of the primary targets of this initiative is the Southern Province characterised by severely degraded landscapes and high vulnerability to climate change impacts.

Rwanda’s forests generate over 28,000 jobs annually and play a vital role in the economy and livelihoods of the population. They provide about 86% of the primary energy source, mainly for domestic cooking, and form the backbone of the country’s tourism industry.

Additionally, the forests protect watersheds and downstream wetlands, supporting agriculture, which accounts for more than 33% of the GDP. Forested catchments supply a significant portion of the water needed for domestic, agricultural, industrial, urban, and ecological purposes in both upstream and downstream areas. The latest data puts forest cover at 30.4 percent of Rwanda, equivalent to 724,695 hectares.

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