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Rwanda Ruling Coalition Dominates Parliament Seats

Rwanda Ruling Coalition Dominates Parliament Seats

The ruling coalition in Rwanda is currently ahead in the legislative election, with President Kagame’s Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) maintaining a solid position by securing over 62% of the votes.

Other long-standing parties, such as the Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Party, garnered approximately 11% and 9% of the votes, respectively.

Parties aligned with the RPF, including those with leaders serving as ministers, have shown a united front by standing by President Paul Kagame and participating in his campaign events during the presidential campaign.

Two groups outside the coalition and its affiliates, PS Imberakuri and the Democratic Green Party, secured slightly over 5% of the votes, meeting the minimum threshold to obtain seats in Parliament.

Following these proportional representation elections, the assembly’s composition is expected to undergo minimal changes compared to the one elected in 2018.

The electoral commission still needs to release the breakdown of the number of deputies by political party.

In the provisional results of Monday’s presidential election in Rwanda, the widely anticipated victory of President Paul Kagame with 99% of the votes was announced by the electoral authorities, marking a significant moment in the country’s political landscape.

In the provisional results, President Kagame’s opponents—Frank Habineza of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda and independent candidate Philippe Mpayimana—received less than 1% of the vote, accounting for 79% of all cast ballots.

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