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Schools in India Evacuate Students Over Bomb Threats on Monday

Schools Evacuate Students Over Bomb Threats on Monday

According to reports, at least four schools in Jaipur, India, were closed on Monday following bomb threats.

The threat, conveyed via email, claimed that explosives had been planted on the school premises, prompting officials to evacuate students and alert the police.

Police swiftly responded by deploying anti-bomb squads and trained sniffer dogs to the schools to search for any potential threats.

Following an extensive search, the police concluded that the threat appeared to be a hoax as no explosives were found.

“Four to five schools have received bomb threats. Police have reached the schools,” Jaipur police commissioner Biju George Joseph said.

Police are trying to identify the sender.

It was revealed that Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi and multiple hospitals in the national capital received bomb threats via email on Sunday.

Reports say that over 100 schools in Delhi also received similar threats, sparking widespread alarm across the city. This incident recalls a similar situation in 2023 when schools in Bengaluru were targeted with bomb threats, which were subsequently determined to be hoaxes.

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