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Senegal: Guy Marius Sagna Calls for French Retail Exodus

Even though he was just released from police custody,Senegalese activist,Guy Marius Sagna spoke against french influence in the country.

Earlier this year he was arrested alongside with Cledor Sene and Assane Diouf,following the unrest that came after opposition leader, Ousmane Sonko was arrested over rape allegation.

They were charged with “organizing an insurrection movement, causing people to commit crimes and infractions and criminal association” on February 26 and March 1 and were jailed.

On Wednesday 24th March, 2021 , a Senegalese court granted preliminary release of these three activists for insurrection.

A day after his release from police custody, Guy Marius Sagna, a well-known Senegalese figure, spoke against french retail giant

He stated that his statement is a target against the big french retail companies, he noted that he was making this call in the interest of Senegalese shoppers and the people of Africa

The statement read,”If the goal is to prevent us from saying: ‘Auchan, Carrefour, get out!’ and being straightforward that we prefer to defend the interests of Senegalese shopkeepers rather than imperialist shopkeepers, you are wasting your time. Today, more than ever, we say: ‘GIs, go home!’ and ‘French army, out!’. ‘European ships, out of African seas!’ because we think that we have to defend first the interests of the African people”, the activist said.”

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