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Sierra Leone’s President Bio Appoints New Director of Public Prosecution

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Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio, has appointed Osman Ibrahim Kanu, Esq., as the new Director of Public Prosecution. The announcement of this crucial appointment was made through a public notice issued on July 31, 2023, signed by Julius F. Sandy, Secretary to the President.

The selection of Justice Kanu for this vital role marks a significant development in Sierra Leone’s legal system. With this appointment, President Bio aims to bolster the country’s legal infrastructure, ensuring a more robust and efficient prosecution process.

By entrusting the responsibilities of the Director of Public Prosecution to Justice Kanu, the government seeks to foster transparency, fairness, and integrity within the judicial system, ultimately reinforcing the nation’s commitment to upholding the rule of law.

This appointment is pivotal in enhancing the overall effectiveness and credibility of Sierra Leone’s legal mechanisms, as Justice Kanu brings to the position his expertise, experience, and dedication to the pursuit of justice. As the new Director of Public Prosecution, he will be tasked with upholding the highest standards of accountability and impartiality in the pursuit of justice for the people of Sierra Leone.

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