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Soludo says Governors Forum Will Review LG Autonomy Verdict

The governor of Anambra state, Charles Soludo, says the Nigerian Governors Forum will review the Supreme Court verdict that granted financial autonomy to local government councils. 

The governor said after a meeting with President Bola Tinubu at the State House in Abuja that while the Supreme Court verdict is binding, he and his colleagues will meet to review and chart a way forward.

“The Supreme Court is the final authority, and I am a Democrat. I believe in the rule of law. And once the Supreme Court has spoken, it has spoken. I think the Governors Forum is meeting tonight to review this,” he said.

He said the move will free up funds for local government areas and promote accountability.

“We need to promote accountability. We need to promote transparency in utilising public resources at all levels to lift the common man’s burden,” Soludo said.

Soludo reiterated his intention to hold local government elections in the state, saying it was one of his campaign promises.

“When I was elected into office, that’s one of the things I promised our people [to conduct local government election] because, in Anambra, I think the first local government election we had was in 1998.”

“I promised the people of Anambra that we’re going to have a local government election, and I stated that in my inaugural speech. We’ve just passed the Independent Electoral Commission Law of Anambra State and are putting together the institutions to organize that. It is a promise I made, and when I make a promise, I am serious about keeping it.” He added

The Supreme Court’s ruling on Thursday mandated the government to promptly channel local government funds directly to their exclusive accounts. The Court also reprimanded state governments for their prolonged denial of financial autonomy to local governments.

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