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South Africa Electoral Body to Declare Results This Weekend

Election officials seal ballot boxes at the end of voting in South Africa's parliamentary and provincial elections at a polling station in Johannesburg, South Africa, May 8,2019. REUTERS/Philimon Bulawayo

The Electoral Commission of South Africa says it is making every effort to finalise the capturing and auditing of results for the national and provincial elections. It is on track to complete this process imminently very soon and announce the election outcome sometime this weekend.

Chief Electoral Officer, Sy Mamabolo said in a press briefing that “The commission will declare results of this election sometime over the weekend after which the lists of elected representatives will be published in the government gazette and, after that handed over to the chief justice for purposes of convening the first meeting of the National Assembly,”

Mamabolo disclosed that the counting of votes had been completed and the commission was capturing the results into the IEC portal for validation and subsequent allocation of seats. 

He added that ballots were counted and collated at voting stations where they were cast and was done in front of party agents and observers, without interruption.

However, he noted that there were several objections raised by political parties during the elections and said the commission was addressing them, without giving details.

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