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South African Court Grants IEC Commissioner Nomsa Masuku R20,000 Bail

IEC Commissioner Nomsa Masuku in Palm Ridge Court (News Central TV)

The Specialised Commercial Crimes Court sitting in the Palm Ridge Magistrates Court has granted Electoral Commission (IEC) Commissioner, Dr Nomsa Masuku R20, 000 bail .

Masuku, 62 was arrested earlier on Friday by the Hawks over a R1.2 Million graft case.

News Central had reported that Masuku who was head of Standard Bank’s CSI Programme for the Adopt a School Trust, allegedly flauted due process by awarding scholarships to friends and family members.

Masuku also allegedly deposited some of the money into her personal bank account without the approval of the Trust’s committee.

The matter has been postponed to September 4, 2024.

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