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South African Opposition Leader Julius Malema Stands in Solidarity with Palestine

South African Opposition Leader Julius Malema Stands in Solidarity with Palestine

Addressing a crowd of thousands at Durban’s Moses Mabhida Stadium on Saturday, Julius Malema, leader of South Africa’s third-largest political party, reaffirmed his solidarity with the people of Palestine during the launch of the election manifesto of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF).

Expressing gratitude to the South African populace for their enduring support for Palestine, Julius Malema emphasised their shared values and offered backing to Russia, cautioning against perceived NATO intervention in Ukraine, saying “NATO is disguising as Ukraine.”

“We thank you, the people of South Africa, for loving the people of Palestine. Continue to show them love against apartheid Israel. Russia is our home, and Palestine is our home, and Palestinians must know they’ve got a home in South Africa. We will never retreat. We are not scared of the Jewish power,” declared Malema.

Taking aim at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Malema denounced him as a “warlord,” condemning the Israeli military campaign in Gaza, which has resulted in the deaths of 27,000 Palestinians and wounded over 66, 000.

“The people of Palestine are not against the Jewish nation. The people of Palestine do not want to kill Jewish women and children. The people of Palestine want their self-determination. If there is anyone who is killing innocent people, that’s (Israeli Prime Minister) Netanyahu. He’s a warlord, an international criminal, and he must be charged,” asserted Julius Malema.

While the date for this year’s general elections remains unconfirmed, the Economic Freedom Fighters prioritise land redistribution and tackling the nation’s electricity crisis.

Under the banner of “Jobs and land now! Stop load-shedding,” the EFF resonates with many disillusioned South Africans, particularly the youth, with its radical agenda, including land expropriation and nationalisation of key industries.

Former ANC youth leader Malema, a vocal critic of the ruling party and President Cyril Ramaphosa, has cemented the EFF’s position as the third-largest opposition party since its inception, securing 10% of the national vote in the 2019 elections.

Promising an end to power outages plaguing the economy, Malema pledged job creation through social housing and infrastructure projects, alongside a crackdown on corruption within the political and public spheres and incentives for law enforcement to combat crime.

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