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South African Parliament Arsonist Zandile Mafe Says he ‘Burned it Intentionally’

Parliament Arson Accused Zandile Mafe Denied Bail (News Central TV)

A South African man Zandile Mafe facing terrorism charges over a fire that badly damaged South Africa’s Parliament building last year flared up in the courtroom Thursday saying that he “burned it intentionally.”

Mafe said if Parliament was not moved from Cape Town to either the city of Bloemfontein or Pretoria, he was going to “burn it more…I’m not afraid of a life sentence,” he shouted while shouting and pointing his finger.

The fire badly damaged the historic Parliament complex in January last year as it ripped through various buildings, including the main chamber where parliament convenes. It hasn’t been fully repaired, with estimates saying it will cost around $120 million and take at least three years.

In court yesterday, Zandile Mafe

Mafe was detained in the parliament precinct soon after the fire started. He was charged with breaking and entering, arson and terrorism, but his case has been held up after a judge ordered him to undergo a psychiatric evaluation to determine if he is fit to stand trial.

Judge Nathan Erasmus overseeing Thursday’s court appearance tolerated Mafe’s rant until he finished, saying he didn’t want to “exacerbate” his “mental condition,” according to South African media reports.

Judge Erasmus said an expert report indicated that Mafe was not able to understand the wrongfulness of the acts he is accused of, although a final decision on whether there will be a criminal trial was postponed until next month.

Mafe had also challenged the court to give him a sentence of 25 years to life, which is what he could face if his trial goes ahead.

The fire at the seat of South Africa’s democracy raised concerns over the security protocols in the Parliament whose members were on a break and the buildings were largely empty.  

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