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Spanish Tourist Killed by Elephant in South Africa Park

A Spanish tourist was trampled to death by an elephant after leaving his vehicle to take photographs of a small herd at a prominent South African Park, authorities said Tuesday.

The 43-year-old man was attacked on Sunday at the Pilanesberg National Park, a tourist haven about 200 kilometres northwest of Johannesburg.

Police said the man was riding in a vehicle alongside his fiancee and two other women within the reserve when they encountered three elephants and their three calves.

“Reports say the man stopped the vehicle, alighted and went closer to the elephants to take pictures,” police spokesman Sabata Mokgwabone said.

The Park’s Chief Conservation Officer, Pieter Nel said an adult female elephant charged at the man.

“He was unfortunately not able to escape or evade the elephant, which was now joined by the whole herd, and was caught and trampled to death.”

“The elephants moved away immediately from the scene without any aggression towards the nearby vehicles and eventually disappeared into the bushes.” He said.

It is normal behaviour for elephants to try to “defend the young ones”, he added.

Elephant attacks are not uncommon in the region. About 50 people were killed and 85 injured by wild animals, mostly elephants in neighbouring Zimbabwe, according to local authorities.

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