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SSANU, NASU, Conclude 7-Day Warning Strike, Resume Monday

Members of the Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU) and the Non-Academic Staff Union (NASU) concluded their seven-day warning strike on Sunday, March 24.

SSANU President Mohammed Ibrahim and NASU General Secretary Comrade Peters Adeyemi, directed SSANU and NASU members to resume work starting Monday, March 25, 2024 in a jointly signed circular addressed to branch chairmen at public universities nationwide.

Following an assessment of the seven-day warning strike which commenced on Monday, March 18, 2024, the unions noted that “the tempo of the warning strike has been massive, comprehensive, and total in most of our universities and inter-university centres.”

SSANU and NASU commended the dedication, resolve, and loyalty of members in the union’s struggle for the payment of four months’ delay of withheld salaries.

The circular partly read:

“Consequently, you are hereby informed that the 7-day warning strike shall end at midnight of Sunday, 24′” March, 2024 and normal work will resume on Monday 25″ March, 2024. 

“While assuring you that the struggle!e for the payment of the 4 months’ withheld salaries is ongoing, further issues such as Renegotiation of Year 2009 FGN/NASU and SSANU Agreements, Payment of N50 Billlon Earned Allowances and others will continue to receive the same attention. 

“Therefore, JAC leadership will continue meaningful engagement with the relevant Government Agencies in both Executive and Legislative Arms and you will be duly notified of the next line of action(s) to be taken.”

Details later…

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