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Sunak’s Bodyguard Arrested for Betting on Election Date

One of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s bodyguards has been arrested after it was revealed he allegedly placed bets on the date of Britain’s national elections before they were announced, authorities said on Wednesday.

The Metropolitan Police said an officer from the Royalty and Specialist Protection Command was arrested on Monday on suspicion of abuse of public office.

The arrest took place after the Gambling Commission contacted police. The commission, which regulates the gaming industry, confirmed it was investigating the possibility of violations relating to the date of the election”.

Many had expected the elections to take place in the fall so even party members were shocked when Mr Sunak announced on May 22 that the polls will hold on July 4.

While betting isn’t illegal in the United Kingdom, it is a criminal offence to cheat by acting on inside information.

The arrested officer, unnamed, has been released on bail pending further investigation. He has also been suspended from his job while law enforcement conducts its investigation.

Last week, another Sunak aide and parliamentary re-election candidate Craig Williams disclosed he was under investigation by the Gambling Commission for placing a £100 on the July elections before the date was announced.

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