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Catch all the latest news online on News Central. News Central delivers the intriguing latest Naija news as they happen by reporting only the facts across Nigeria. From the seat of power, the capital city, Abuja to the commercial nerve centre – Lagos, News Central brings you the breaking and most talked about Nigerian news.

Where to find and read Naija news online

News Central brings you an unbiased view, exploring the truths and why they exist. With a diverse array of reporters, discussing all the news and stories from different perspectives, you can be sure to experience a holistic news reporting structure. Catch the exciting Nigeria news online. From politics and business to sports and culture, we cover all Naija news.

To say that the postponement of the presidential and National Assembly elections by Nigeria’s Independent National Electoral Commission had monumental adverse economic and social impact would be stating the obvious. These costs were escalated by the fact that the announcement came on the very day some had planned weddings and major events.