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Catch all the latest news online on News Central. News Central delivers the intriguing latest Naija news as they happen by reporting only the facts across Nigeria. From the seat of power, the capital city, Abuja to the commercial nerve centre – Lagos, News Central brings you the breaking and most talked about Nigerian news.

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News Central brings you an unbiased view, exploring the truths and why they exist. With a diverse array of reporters, discussing all the news and stories from different perspectives, you can be sure to experience a holistic news reporting structure. Catch the exciting Nigeria news online. From politics and business to sports and culture, we cover all Naija news.

In Nigeria, successful pop singer Banky W (Olubankole Wellington) is running in the country’s parliamentary elections on February 16th. The star is seeking to get young people more interested in politics, in order to blow away cobwebs and bring about social change. In Nigeria, even though those under 25 make up 60 percent of the population, the two leading Presidential candidates are both in their seventies.

Nigeria’s presidential and parliamentary polls have been shifted by a week till February 23, leaving many citizens disenchanted with the electoral process, after waking up to the sad news early Saturday.

The leadership of Nigeria’s election management body, INEC reached the crucial decision following a logistics nightmare arising from poor distribution of sensitive voting materials, after an emergency meeting due to massive complaints.