“The incident occurred under unclear circumstances,” the Kenyan foreign ministry said in a statement, expressing its “deep shock and regret” and offering condolences to the families of the deceased.
Browsing: Somalia
At least eight journalists have been killed since 2017, and at least eight more fled the country fearing for their lives, Amnesty said.
Hirshabelle state health minister, Abdi Mo’alim Mohamed is appealing to humanitarian agencies to deliver assistance to the region.
Ravenous swarms of desert locusts in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia, already unprecedented in their size and destructive potential, threaten to ravage the entire East Africa subregion,…
Nine people injured in a car bomb attack that occurred on Saturday in Afgoye, thirty kilometres north west of Somalia’s capital Mogadishu, were airlifted to Turkey…
Three hundred Somali police officers are undergoing specialized training at the General Kahiye Police Training Academy in Mogadishu, Somalia. Once they pass out, the officers will…
The locust invasion that has ravaged vegetation and crops in parts of Somalia and the Kenyan counties of Garissa, Mandera and Wajir for a few weeks…
Somalia’s diplomatic relations with Kenya will be tested depending on the outcome of a maritime boundary case which is to be determined in June. As Mogadishu…
The car bomb killed about 90 people while some critically injured victims have been evacuated to Turkey for treatment.
“The overall number of the dead stands at 81 currently. Two more people died from their injuries,” Ismail Muktar, a government spokesman said.