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Taraba Governor Inaugurates LG Autonomy Advisory Committee

Governor Agbu Kefas of Taraba State has endorsed the Supreme Court’s ruling on local government autonomy, stating it aligns with his administration’s dedication to decentralization and local empowerment.

At the inauguration of the Local Government Areas Autonomy Advisory Committee, the governor highlighted that local government autonomy is essential for upholding democracy and justice.

“It is with great pride and a sense of responsibility that we inaugurate the Local Government Areas Autonomy Advisory Committee today,” he said.

“This event marks a significant milestone in our journey towards a more democratic, accountable, and efficient governance system in Taraba State. The Supreme Court’s recent judgment aligns perfectly with our commitment to decentralisation and local empowerment, paving the way for full autonomy of our Local Government Areas.

“This judgment reaffirms my earlier decision to conduct the Local Government Council election on November 18, 2023, and to proceed with the swearing-in of the elected council chairmen on November 23, 2023. These steps are crucial to ensure that our local governments have the mandate and legitimacy to serve their communities effectively.

“To enhance the capacity of the newly elected Council officials, we organised a comprehensive workshop and induction program for the council chairmen before they assume duties in their respective Local Government Areas. This initiative aims to provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge to address the challenges they may face, particularly the security issues that have plagued our state in the past. We are committed to equipping our local leaders with the tools they need to succeed.

“It is also worth noting that for the first time in our state’s history, a Local Government Election Tribunal was established without receiving a single election petition. This unprecedented achievement speaks volumes about the transparency, fairness, and credibility of the electoral process we have implemented. It confirms our collective commitment to upholding the principles of democracy and justice.

Governor Kefas also noted that even before the Supreme Court verdict, he had already granted full autonomy to local government chairmen through the Bureau for Local Government, Traditional, and Chieftaincy Affairs for managing the joint account and other administrative affairs of their respective domains.

“Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, in my communication to the Bureau for Local Government, Traditional, and Chieftaincy Affairs on April 26, 2024, I directed that the Local Government Council Chairmen take full responsibility for managing the Joint Account Allocation Committee (JAAC) and other administrative affairs. This directive is not just a policy change; it is a profound shift towards true autonomy and self-governance for our local governments. It empowers them to make decisions that directly affect the welfare of our constituents, ensuring that resources are utilised efficiently and effectively to meet local demands.

“Today, we are here to inaugurate this advisory committee, setting forth a clear and ambitious agenda. The committee’s terms of reference, which will be spelled out to them after the inauguration, include Implementation Oversight, Capacity Building, Financial Autonomy, Administrative Reforms, Security Coordination, Community Engagement, Evaluation and Feedback, and any other areas deemed necessary.

“The establishment of this advisory committee demonstrates our unwavering commitment to strengthening local governments in Taraba State. I am confident that with the combined efforts of this committee, the Bureau for Local Government, Traditional and Chieftaincy Affairs, and all stakeholders, we will achieve our vision of a decentralised, empowered, and prosperous Taraba.

“Fellow citizens of Taraba State, as we move forward, I urge all of us to remain steadfast in our dedication to service, transparency, and accountability. Together, we can create a governance system that not only meets the needs of our people but also sets a benchmark for others to follow.”

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