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Ten Killed as Suspected Rebels Attack Masala Village in Eastern Congo

Rebel Attack in Masala Village Kill at least 10 (News Central TV)

At least ten people were killed after suspected insurgents attacked a village in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, a local official and a civil society leader reported on Saturday, June 8.

The attack, which occurred overnight on Friday, targeted the village of Masala in Beni territory, situated within North Kivu province, as detailed by military administrator Charles Euta Omeonga in a phone interview with Reuters.

Civil society leader Justin Kavalami said the assailants, believed to be members of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), attacked the village and killed at least 13 people.

This same group was previously accused by a local official of perpetrating another deadly assault on a different village earlier in the week, which claimed the lives of at least 16 individuals.

Originating from neighbouring Uganda, the ADF has established a base in eastern Congo and has pledged allegiance to Islamic State.

The group is notorious for its onslaughts, worsening the already precarious security situation in a region plagued by numerous militant factions.

Efforts to obtain a response from the ADF regarding the incident were unsuccessful.

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