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Tensions Rise in the Battle for Kenya’s Major Sugar Factory

Several civil liberties groups and Kenya’s opposition leaders want President Ruto to apologise for his threatening comments about Mumias Sugar.

Mumias Sugar which is partly owned by the government has been struggling since 2019 and seeking new investment.

The situation is taking a new twist with businessmen including some from Uganda, seeking to gain control of the company.

President William Ruto warned the warring parties, after accusing them of exploiting farmers and consumers :
“I have told these crooks, thieves and conmen that they have three options. Either they leave Kenya, go to jail or travel to heaven. There isn’t any other option,” he said during a visit to sugar-growing areas in the west earlier in the week.

The remarks outraged human rights groups, but they seem to have prompted one of the businessmen, Jaswant Singh Rai to withdraw his interest in Mumias Sugar —( as he dropped various court cases on Thursday).

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