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Tinubu to Fire Underperforming Ministers

'Tinubu won’t celebrate first year as president'—Information minister

Bayo Onanuga, the Special Adviser on Information and Strategy to Nigeria’s President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, has disclosed the President’s intention to dismiss ministers who fail to meet performance expectations.

In a recent interview, Onanuga elaborated that President Tinubu is currently evaluating the performances of ministers against the backdrop of the eight-point agenda set forth by the Tinubu-led administration. Those who are deemed ineffective in delivering on these objectives will be replaced.

Onanuga, who appraised the administration’s performance at a commendable 70%, highlighted the economic challenges inherited from the previous administration, noting that under Muhammadu Buhari’s tenure, Nigeria was allocating a staggering 97% of its revenue to debt servicing and resorting to borrowing for recurrent expenditures, such as salary payments.

He underscored the pivotal role of the president’s decisive policies, such as the elimination of fuel subsidies and the consolidation of the exchange rate, in averting a potential economic collapse.

President Tinubu, in his address during the inauguration of 48 ministers, advisers, and other aides last year, urged them to prioritise the national interest and align their efforts with the administration’s mandate of uplifting Nigeria from poverty.

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