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Tragedy Strikes as Prize-Winning Bull Kills Caretaker in Western Kenya

Tragedy Strikes as Prize-Winning Bull Kills Caretaker in Western Kenya

In a shocking incident in the western county of Kakamega, Kenya, a prized bull named Inasio owned by Senator Boni Khalwale gored its caretaker, Kizito Moi, to death. The bull, weighing 120 kg and recently crowned the reigning champion in local competitions, turned aggressive, causing deep injuries to Moi’s head, neck, stomach, and back.

Kizito Moi, who had over 20 years of experience training bulls, was found dead on Sunday morning. Senator Khalwale, expressing shock and grief over the incident, announced that he would adhere to local Luhya community traditions and spear the bull to death. The meat from the bull would then be distributed among the villagers.

A crowd of spectators offload a bull at a bullfight in Khayega, Kakamega county Kenya Friday, Oct. 20, 2023. (AP Photo/Brian Inganga)

Senator Khalwale mentioned that such incidents, where animals turn on their keepers, are rare in the area, and the last similar occurrence happened approximately 30 years ago.

Bullfighting competitions are popular in western Kenya, with the owners of winning bulls, like Senator Khalwale, being celebrated as heroes.

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