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Tragic Accident Claims Couple en Route Farm in Abuja

Tragic Accident Claims Couple en Route Farm in Abuja

An accident in the Abaji Area Council of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) has claimed the lives of Alhaji Musa Baba and his wife, Fatima Baba.

Eyewitness reports state that the couple was knocked down by a Mercedes Benz while riding a motorcycle to their farm. The accident occurred at 3 pm near the Abaji General Hospital junction. The car, travelling from the Gwagwalada axis, ran over the couple.

“The man died on the spot while his wife gave up at the hospital where she was rushed to,” the source said.

Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) officials quickly arrived at the scene and transported the bodies to the hospital.
Funeral prayers for the couple, led by Malam Ishaq Baba Tsana, Deputy Imam of Abaji Central Mosque, were held at the Abaji Science Primary School football pitch.

Reacting to the tragic incident, Abaji residents called on the Federal Ministry of Works to construct an overhead bridge or interchange to prevent further accidents and loss of lives.

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