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Trust President Tinubu – Tunji-Ojo Urges Nigerians

Dr-Olubunmi-Tunji-Ojo (News Central TV)

Nigeria’s Minister of Interior Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo has urged Nigerians to trust the leadership of President Bola Tinubu, as he is determined to leave the country “a better place than he met it.”

Tunji-Ojo made this plea in a short video shared by the Presidency on Friday in celebration of Tinubu’s one year in office.

“Nigerians should believe in the President. If I know someone that is audacious and never scared of taking a decision in the interest of Nigeria, it is Mr President.

“This is a man that is determined to leave Nigeria a better place than the way he met it.

“Nigerians should trust him, and Nigerians should know that there is only one way to go. Nigeria is going up, and we will not descend.

“We will go up, achieve success, greatness, in the most efficient way under President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. And Nigeria shall surely be great,” he said.

Tunji-Ojo’s remarks come amid a backlash that has followed Tinubu’s inaugural year in office.

The President’s administration has been characterised by proactive policymaking and reforms designed to tackle Nigeria’s diverse challenges. However, progress has been slow and uneven.

Economic recovery remains sluggish as Nigerians continue to battle inflation and unemployment.

Security issues persist in several regions, and there is a growing consensus that the pace of infrastructure development and anti-corruption measures need to be intensified.

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