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Tunisian Footballer Nizar Issaoui Sets Self Ablaze in Protest

Tunisian Footballer Nizar Issaoui (News Central TV)

A professional Tunisian footballer Nizar Issaoui, 35, has died after suffering third-degree burns from his action in the village of Haffouz in the central region of Kairouan, his brother Ryad confirmed to AFP.

Issaoui died after setting himself alight earlier this week in protest against the “police state” ruling the country.

Tunisian Footballer Nizar Issaoui

He was rushed to a specialist burns hospital in Tunis after being admitted to a hospital in Kairouan but doctors were unable to save his life. “He died yesterday (Thursday) and will be buried today,” Issaoui’s brother added.

Issaoui’s protest evokes street vendor Mohamed Bouazizi, who burned himself to death on December 17, 2010, sparking the Tunisian revolution that triggered the Arab Spring uprisings which sent authoritarian regimes across the Middle East, packing.

The incident took place outside a police station in Haffouz, Kairouane. People around the former player could be heard screaming.

Issaoui spent most of his playing career in his home country of Tunisia, however, he has been without a club since January.

Issaoui has previously scored 14 goals and has provided three assists in 36 matches in the Tunisian top flight, Ligue 1 Pro.

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