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Two Boko Haram Commanders Surrender to MNJTF Troops in Lake Chad

Two Boko Haram Commanders Surrender to MNJTF Troops in Lake Chad

In Lake Chad, the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) has confirmed the surrender of two key commanders belonging to the Boko Haram faction known as BAKOURA BUDUMA. According to a statement released by Lieutenant Colonel Abubakar Abdullahi, the Chief of Military Public Information Officer for MNJTF in N’Djamena, Chad, the surrendered commanders are identified as Ibrahim Muhammed and Auwal Muhammed, also known as WANKA.

These surrenders occurred following intensified operations by MNJTF Sector 3 troops in Nigeria, aimed at rooting out terrorist elements in the Lake Chad region. The two commanders, who were actively operating in the Lake Chad Islands, chose to surrender under mounting pressure from the ongoing military actions.

Upon surrender, the fighters were taken into custody for further interrogation. During preliminary investigations, Ibrahim and Auwal Muhammed revealed their extensive involvement with the BAKOURA BUDUMA faction, having operated under its banner for 15 years in KWALLARAM, situated within the Lake Chad Islands.

Among the items seized from the surrendered commanders were AK-47 rifles, magazines, ammunition, mobile phones, hand grenades, and handheld radios, signifying the significance of their surrender.

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