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Uganda President Museveni to Address Nation on ADF Matters

Uganda President Museveni to Address Nation on ADF Matters (News Central TV)

President Museveni will address the nation today on matters concerning the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) terrorists, an Islamist rebel group that has terrorised the two countries, Uganda and the neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo, for decades.

The Presidential Press Unit (PPU) also reports that the President will also address Ugandans on a variety of other security-related issues in the country.

“The PPU wishes to inform the general public that H.E. the President of the Republic of Uganda/Commander-In-Chief of the UPDF, Gen. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni (RTD), will brief the nation on the progress of operations against ADF terrorists and other security-related issues,” the PPU Monday statement read in part.

“The briefing is scheduled for today, January 9, 2024, at 8:00 PM,” it added.

The presidential address comes days after suspected ADF rebels killed over a dozen people in Kamwenge District in two separate attacks in December 2023.

Despite the successful operations against the ADF rebels by the Uganda Peoples Defence Forces (UPDF), where over 300 rebels have been killed and captured in the recent attacks in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the insurgents have continued to terrorise the two countries, killing at least 64 Ugandans in the last six months.

During his recent comments on the ADF attacks, the President emphasised that the national forces, together with the Congolese army through Operation Shujaa, are determined to wipe out the rebel groups and their leaders, who are still hiding in DR Congo.

President Museveni blamed ADF attacks on intelligence shortcomings during last year’s national address about terrorism and crime. He claimed that the rebels had split up into very small groups, making them harder to find, and urged security agencies and the public to be more vigilant and coordinated.

Among other insecurity issues, the President is expected to make his remarks on the alleged attempted murder of House of Prayer Ministries international lead pastor, Aloysius Bujingo, during last week’s shooting incident, which left his bodyguard, Richard Muhumuza, dead.

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