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Uganda, UAE Sign Deal to Build New International Airport

Uganda has signed a deal with the United Arab Emirates to construct the Kidepo International Airport, near the Kidepo National Park to boost tourism in the East African country.

President Yoweri Museveni presided over signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Government of Uganda and the United Arab Emirates’ Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry at Speke Resort Munyonyo. 

The deal for the East African nation’s third such airport is set to expand the UAE’s economic footprint beyond its interests in the renewable energy and oil and gas industries.

Abdallah Sultan Al Owais, the Chairman of the Chamber told the President that the construction of the Airport will begin in August and he promised to deliver it on schedule. 

The airport will be constructed just outside the 1,442 sq km Kidepo National Park in the northeast near Uganda’s border with Kenya, renowned for its big game animals.

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