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UK’S Hinduja Family Found Guilty of Exploitation in Geneva

Four members of the Hinduja family – the richest in the United Kingdom, have been found guilty and convicted for exploiting staff brought in from India to work at their home in Geneva.

Prakash and Kamal Hinduja, as well as their son Ajay and his wife Namrata, were handed prison sentences ranging from four to four-and-a-half years by a Swiss court, after being discharged on the more serious charge of human trafficking.

The defendants’ lawyer, Robert Assael said he was shocked at the ruling and will immediately launch an appeal

Three workers who were brought in from their native India alleged the family paid them as little as $8 to work 18-hour days and seized their passports, rarely allowing them to leave the premises.

Prosecutors also alleged that the family spent more on their dog than on their servants while the defence counsel argued that the employees received benefits and were free to leave the villa.

Following the verdict, the prosecution requested an immediate detention order for the younger Hinduja couple, but this was denied by the judge.

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