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UN Expresses Concern over Human Rights Situation in Senegal

UN expresses grave concern over human rights situation in Senegal

The United Nations stated on Tuesday that it is “deeply concerned” about the recent developments in the human rights situation in Senegal. The use of firearms by security forces against demonstrators is seen as setting a troubling precedent, according to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in a press release.

The High Commissioner emphasized in the release that “The use of firearms by security forces during demonstrations constitutes a dark precedent for Senegal.” The office acknowledged that authorities have initiated investigations and urged them to ensure that these investigations are prompt, independent, and thorough as well as hold accountable those responsible for unjustified or disproportionate use of force, regardless of their status or political affiliation.

Senegal experienced its most severe unrest in years from June 1 to 3 following the sentencing of opposition politician Ousmane Sonko to two years in prison in a vice scandal. The announcement of the sentence triggered violence, officially resulting in 16 deaths, although Amnesty International puts the death toll at 23.

The Office of the High Commissioner, on the other hand, refers to “at least” 16 people killed, 350 injured, and over 500 arrested during the three days of demonstrations between June 1 and 3.

“The continuing restrictions on freedom of expression and peaceful assembly in the aftermath of the demonstrations are also concerning,” insisted the High Commission. It specifically highlighted the case of Walfadjiri TV, a private channel that provided live coverage of the demonstrations and was suspended on June 1 “without clear legal justification and has still not been reinstated to this day.”

The UN also pointed out that restrictions on internet access, which were justified by the government to prevent “the dissemination of hate and subversive messages,” must be based on a law that is unambiguous and accessible to the public.

President Macky Sall, who was elected in 2012 and re-elected in 2019, remains ambiguous about his intention to run for a third term in 2024.

As of now, Sonko, a popular figure among young people and the underprivileged, is no longer eligible to run for president. He alleges a political conspiracy to eliminate him.

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