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United States, China Lead Largest Economies of 2024

Chinese President Xi and US President Biden (News Central TV)

Forbes recently published its annual list ranking the world’s largest economies by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for 2024.

The United States maintained its top spot with a GDP of $28.78 trillion, driven by advanced technology, strong consumer spending, and a competitive job market, despite concerns about rising prices.

China closely followed with a GDP of $18.54 trillion. Despite challenges like COVID-19 and trade tensions, China’s shift towards domestic spending helped offset some difficulties.

Germany, with a GDP of $4.59 trillion, solidified its position as Europe’s economic leader. The country relies on its manufacturing expertise and robust exports, navigating additional challenges from energy supply issues related to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Japan, with a GDP of $4.11 trillion, showed renewed economic strength, boosted by improved productivity and consumer spending following the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

India emerged as one of the fastest-growing economies, with a GDP of $3.94 trillion. Its youthful, skilled workforce and strong technology sector, along with ongoing reforms and infrastructure investments, contributed to its economic rise.

The next largest economies included the United Kingdom ($3.50 trillion), France ($3.13 trillion), Brazil ($2.33 trillion), Italy ($2.33 trillion), and Canada ($2.24 trillion), each showing varying levels of growth and economic stability in recent years.

Looking ahead, Forbes anticipates further shifts in these rankings as global economic dynamics continue to evolve.

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