Customers on a tight budget searching for luxury substitutes have gravitated to American multinational retail corporation Walmart‘s “Wirkin,” a replica of a Birkin bag.
The leather handbag on Walmart’s website is less expensive than the Birkin bag from French luxury brand Hermès. It seems that a lot of Wirkins have sold out due to social media excitement.
The majority of consumers cannot afford luxury labels like Hermès, despite their continued popularity. However, consumers who are on a tight budget enjoy treating themselves, which makes high-quality, less expensive copies alluring.
Fashion influencers also contribute to the popularity of these lookalikes, which are now more accessible than ever because of the growth of internet shopping and low shipping costs, even for purchases made halfway around the world.
Although Hermès does not sell its bags online, Birkin bags are listed for between $26,500 and $399,999 by Maison de Luxe, a Los Angeles-based company that offers both new and used Hermès bags. According to Munich-based marketplace SACLÀB, a “standard model” Birkin can start at about $7,200 and need up to 40 hours of handiwork by a single artist.
Aspiring customers who wanted to purchase a Birkin bag filed a complaint in March, claiming that doing so increased the cost of obtaining one of the well-known purses since they had to buy other Hermes accessories and products first.
On the other hand, the popular Walmart Birkin can be purchased for as little as $78 depending on the colour and size. One Wirkin’s manufacturer, Kamugo, claims that although the purse is constructed from real cowhide leather, the interior of the bag is made of synthetic leather.
Not only does Kamugo target Birkin impersonators, but Walmart’s website lists several other brands that sell comparable totes, including BESTSPR, YMTQ, and Judy.
“The Walmart Birkin bag is for the Wirkin class and is called a Wirkin,” a TikTok user wrote.
One example of a premium product with a reputation for exclusivity is the Birkin handbag. The Kardashian family, Beyoncé, and Cardi B are all fans of Birkin, and they all sing about and share pictures of their collections. During the epidemic, a Birkin bag made of crocodile skin brought close to $390,000 at auction. According to Hermes’ website, the tote was first created in 1984 with enough baby bottles for British actress Jane Birkin, who needed a roomy bag as a new mother.
According to a Deloitte assessment, Hermès is among the leading luxury goods firms by revenues, which increased by 32% in 2022 thanks to the opening of new locations in Austin, Texas, and New York. In 2022, 42.8% of the company’s sales came from its leather goods and saddlery items, which were mostly led by the Birkin bag, according to Deloitte.
“Hermes is making you go to great lengths to give them tens of thousands of dollars while laughing in your face. No! A member on X said that the Walmart bag also looks nice.
Luxury handbags are one of the most popular types of used clothing. Walmart is one of several websites that sells used Birkins and other luxury goods, including thousands of dollars worth of pre-owned Birkin bags.
The consulting firm McKinsey & Co. advises luxury fashion executives to value a significant portion of their clientele: individuals who spend between $3,000 and $10,000 annually and purchase at least one luxury item annually.
McKinsey & Co., only one-third of these consumers base their judgements on logos.
It is possible that by offering an alternative version of the purse, Kamugo and Walmart unintentionally capitalised on that customer base.
As if to say, ‘Here you go, here it is,’ Walmart has granted them admission. “This one is more practical for your cross-body parents, and you are permitted to do this,” reality TV personality Bethenny Frankel wrote on TikTok. “It’s a similar form.