Hajara, a 30-year old woman from Doma village of Tafoki ward, Faskari local government area of Katsina state has been delivered of quintuplets on Wednesday afternoon at the General Hospital in Funtua.
News Central gathered that Hajara is the first woman to give birth to Quintuplets in the state, although there were instances of women who birthed quadruplets.
The quintuplets, three boys and two girls are all said to be in good health as at 4pm.
“Yes, she is the first woman to have given birth to five children at the same time. They are all in good conditions and she delivered them successfully,” a medical health worker in Funtua Hospital confirmed.
Confirming the development, the councilor representing Tafoki ward, Abdullahi Mai Currency said the news was received with great joy and that the children were in good condition.
“I’m currently at the hospital (General Hospital in Funtua) with the woman and her immediate family members including her husband, Shuaibu. She and the children are in good condition but they need support because of their situation,” he said.
In a related development, Miss Oluomachi Nwaojo, a student of the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, (MOUAU) was delivered of five babies; three girls and two boys at the Federal Medical Center, FMC, Umuahia, on Tuesday.