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Zambia shuts Tanzania border to tame Covid-19

Zambia has made a decision to shut its border with Tanzania after the country witnessed its highest spike of Covid-19 infections on Saturday.

As it widened screening, Zambia recorded 85 cases on a single day with three deaths related to the pandemic.

76 of the cases were recorded in Nakonde, the border town with Tanzania’s Tundumu and one of Zambia’s largest border posts.

On Sunday, the country recorded 15 new cases after 250 tests.

Zambia’s Health Minister, Chitalu Chilufya says the country is temporarily closing the Nakonde border from May 11, 2020.

The closure looks to facilitate the retraining of health personnel and carrying more screenings in Nakonde.

It is unclear how long the border will remain shut for.

Zambia’s President, Edgar Lungu last week, announced the reopening of some sectors of the economy like Casinos and Gyms which were shut on March 18.

So far, the country has recorded 267 positive cases, 117 recoveries and seven deaths.

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