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Zambia to Restrict Maize Export Over Uncertain Harvest

Maize Export (News Central TV)

The government of Zambia has announced the restriction of maize and mealie exportation due to the ongoing prolong dry season.

The dry season, which has been confirmed longer than usual, is likely to affect the forthcoming harvest of the foods.

This was disclosed by the Zambia Minister of Agriculture, Reuben Phiri, at while issuing a statement in parliament.

The minister said the maize export restriction may be lifted after the next harvest has been carefully assessed to be harmless to Zambia’s food level.

“Owing to the prevailing situation, the government will continue to put the interest of the country above everything else. In this regard, it has restricted the export of maize grain and mealie meal,” Phiri said.

The federal government stated that Zambia has about 800,000 metric tons of maize (also known as corn), which is enough to sustain the country till the next harvest.

The Agriculture minister assured that the Southern-African country is food secure, however 10 provinces have been impacted by the extended dry season.

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