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Zimbabwe New E-Passports to Cost $100, $200

Zimbabwe has introduced electronic passports in line with global trends to replace the current passports. Unlike current passports, the e-passport has more security features to protect against identity theft and counterfeiting.

The Ministry of Home Affairs and Cultural Affairs said the old passports would remain valid.

For renewal, however, all applicants will receive an e-passport. International acceptance of current passports will cease on 31st December 2023 and will need to be replaced by e-passports.

An ordinary electronic passport costs $100, while an emergency electronic passport costs $200.

The emergency e-passport is substantially cheaper than the current emergency passport, which costs $318.

There is also a processing fee of $20 for the e-passport.

The Statutory Instrument 273 of 2021, which describes the introduction of e-passports, said: “IT is hereby notified that the Minister has in terms of section 22 of the Citizenship of Zimbabwe Act (Chapter 4:01), made the following regulations:

“… The Minister hereby notifies that henceforth the Government will cease the issuance of the current type of passports and in place thereof will be issuing electronically readable passports (e-passports) whose charges are as specified in the Schedule.

“The current type of passports, issued before the date of operation of these regulations, will cease to be acceptable internationally by 31st December 2023, and will therefore need to be replaced by e-passports in terms of these regulations.”

The Citizenship (Passport Fees) Regulations, 2021, published in Statutory Instrument 201 of 2021, are hereby repealed.

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