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Zimbabweans Urged to Take Precautions Against Flu

Flu Outbreak

Investigations have confirmed that the recent surge in flu-like illnesses reported across Zimbabwe is attributed to the common cold associated with the winter season, rather than a new or exotic virus.

Despite this, people are still advised to take routine precautions and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Last week, the Ministry of Health and Child Care revealed that routine disease surveillance had indicated an increase in flu-like illnesses since the beginning of the year.

However, after thorough investigations, the ministry is confident that the illness is merely the common cold virus.

Dr Aspect Maunganidze, Secretary for Health and Child Care, reassured the nation that no cases of Covid-19 or new viruses had been reported in the country and provided advice on how to minimise the risk of infection.

“The Ministry of Health and Child Care would want to reassure the public that the flu-like illnesses seen in the country are due to the common cold. The winter season is associated with increased incidence of common colds and that is what has been seen so far. The cases are neither due to Covid-19 nor other new viruses,” he said.

Dr Maunganidze emphasised the importance of vigilance and leading healthy lifestyles.

“The public is advised to lead healthy lifestyles, take lots of fluids, keep warm and where necessary take over-the-counter common cold remedies,” he said.

Influenza is an acute viral respiratory disease, often characterised by fever, headache, sore throat, and cough. The viruses can spread rapidly from person to person, causing seasonal outbreaks that can result in widespread illness.

With the onset of the winter season, similar cases of flu-like illnesses have been reported in many countries across the continent.

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