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Zuma Vows to Fight on Despite Poll Disqualification

Zuma_ uMkhonto WeSizwe Party (News Central TV)

South Africa’s former President Jacob Zuma has said that he will continue to fight for his rights after the country’s top court ruled that he was ineligible to contest in the parliamentary elections scheduled for next week.

“Judges of the Constitutional Court have taken a decision that I can’t exercise my freedom, my democracy,” Zuma said in a video shared by his uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) party on Thursday.

In a ruling on Monday, the Constitutional Court affirmed that Zuma’s 15-month jail sentence for contempt of court in 2021 disqualifies him from standing in the May 29 polls. South Africa’s constitution disallows anyone with a prison sentence of 12 months or longer from holding a parliamentary seat.

Decisions of the constitutional court cannot be overruled.

“I am going to fight for my rights until this country agrees that freedom must be a complete freedom, not for some and oppression for others.” The former president said.

Zuma’s face will remain on the ballot papers despite being unable to contest as he is the registered leader of the party.

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