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Benin Detains Five Citizens of Niger Republic

Benin Republic President Talon (News Central TV)

Benin Republic has detained five Nigerien citizens on suspicion of breaking the law by accessing the port of Seme. In response, Niger claimed that Benin had abducted employees of its oil company who were present at the port to see an oil shipment being loaded.

The port of Seme has turned into a subject of contention in the neighbourly disputes as Benin claims that two of the detainees are junta agents of the Nigerien army, who entered the facility with forged documents.

From its oilfields to the port, where its crude is loaded into tankers for export, landlocked Niger maintains a pipeline.

In May, Benin blocked oil shipments, claiming that Niger was restricting trade across its border. China intervened and later removed the restriction on oil imports.

Niger closed its borders after the military coup last year and since then, Benin has asked Niger to open its side of the border.

However, Niger charges Benin with allowing French troops to occupy its territory in an attempt to destabilize it.

The US army also announced its exit from Niger following strained relations in the West African country after the military takeover.

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