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Ghana’s Deputy Finance Minister, John Kumah Dies at 45

Ghana’s deputy finance minister, John Kumah is dead, the finance ministry said.

A member of the ruling New Patriotic Party, Kumah died in the early hours of Thursday in Germany at 45.

He had been receiving medical treatment in Germany for some time.

While expressing deep sadness at the tragic news, President Nana Akufo-Addo said he was saddened by the demise of Kumah.

“I knew him very well both in my days as Leader of the Opposition and as President of the Republic, and his warmth, humility, and genuine concern for others endeared him to me and to all who crossed his path. His unwavering dedication to service, his tireless commitment to the betterment of our nation, and his profound passion for uplifting the lives of the people of Ejisu and Ghana were evident to all who had the privilege of knowing him. He was a stalwart of the New Patriotic Party in the Ejisu constituency, which he served with great enthusiasm and devotion as a Member of Parliament.

He was the first Chief Executive Officer of the new entity I set up in my first term, the National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (NEIP). He distinguished himself in that office, and, therefore, merited his promotion to the office of Deputy Minister for Finance, where he brought not only expertise and skill but also a deep sense of compassion and empathy to his role. His efforts were instrumental in advancing Government’s economic agenda, and ensuring that the fruits of our progress were equitably shared amongst all segments of society. He was a Ghanaian patriot par excellence.”

The President wished his wife, children, family and the New Patriotic Party in the Ejisu constituency and the entire nation the fortitude to bear the loss.

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