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Nigeria Sends Troops to ECOWAS Stabilisation Mission in Guinea-Bissau

Nigeria Sends Troops to ECOWAS Stabilisation Mission in Guinea Bissau (News Central TV)

The Nigerian contingent of the ECOWAS Stabilisation Support Mission in the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, ESSMGB, has been tasked with upholding Nigeria’s greatness while on assignment, according to John James Usanga, Nigeria’s Ambassador to Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde.

During his visit to the Nigerian Contingent Camp in Bissau, Usanga made the statement. Speaking to the troops, Ambassador Usanga said that ECOWAS’ zero-tolerance policy on unconstitutional changes in government is the foundation of Nigeria’s contribution to the organisation.

He reminded the force of their special duty in Guinea Bissau, which is to support the nation’s National Defense and Security Forces in stabilising it.

Usanga also mentioned how grateful the Guinean people were for Nigeria’s support, both in terms of security and the services provided by the Nigerian team of medical volunteers.

He also assured the Nigerian contingent and other Nigerians living in Guinea-Bissau of the support of the Nigerian Embassy.

The Force Commander ESSMGB Brigadier General Al-Hassan Grema praised the Ambassador and mentioned the Embassy’s efforts in the recent rotation of Nigerian troops, which was successful.

He pushed the soldiers to follow the mission’s guidelines while reminding them of their upcoming assignment.

Lieutenant Colonel Olufisola Ishola, the commander of the Nigerian contingent, had earlier informed the ambassador on the activities of the contingent and requested ongoing assistance from the Nigerian Embassy.

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