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Nigerian Teen Femi Ositade Earns Multiple Scholarships from Foreign Universities

Nigerian Teen Femi Ositade Earns Multiple Scholarships from Foreign Universities

Oluwafemi Ositade, a 17-year-old Nigerian student from The Ambassadors College, Ota, has acquired full scholarships from prestigious universities in Canada, Qatar, and several Ivy League institutions in the United States, totalling a remarkable $3.5 million.

Ositade’s achievement stems from his exceptional performance in the SAT exams, where he achieved a perfect score of 800/800 in Maths, along with 760 out of 800 in reading and writing. Additionally, he boasts an impressive CGPA of 4.04/4.0 from his college.

Out of the 14 scholarships received, 9 are full-ride scholarships covering tuition, accommodation, allowances, and other expenses. Among the universities offering these scholarships are Harvard University, Brown University, Duke University, University of Toronto Lester B Pearson Scholarship, Wesleyan University, Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar, and more.

In addition to his academic prowess, Ositade secured the second-best score of 358 in the 2023 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) and attained 8 A’s and one B2 in the 2023 West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE). He has also represented his school in both local and international competitions, bringing honour to himself and his institution.

Ositade intends to pursue a degree in Computational Physics and is determined to make significant strides towards success. He attributes his achievements to The Ambassadors College, Ota, a Christian Co-Educational School, praising its academic program that combines British and Nigerian curricula, equipping students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel on global platforms.

The school’s offerings, including SAT, IELTS, and A-level courses, have prepared students like Ositade to achieve outstanding academic results and secure scholarships in Ivy League universities. Grateful for his success, Ositade acknowledges God as the cornerstone of his achievements and looks forward to the promising opportunities ahead.

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