Extremely cold weather in Lesotho has resulted into a blanket of snow in parts of the Northern and Eastern Cape.
The South African Weather Service issued a warning that the snow might be “disruptive” in some areas.

Some areas like the Afriski Mountain Resort in Lesotho received more snowfall than expected, causing road blockages and power outages.
According to Peter Peyper who is a managing director at the resort, they had expected 5-10cm of snow, but instead received over 20cm of snowfall.

High winds also caused snowdrifts to cover the roads. Although guests around the resort enjoyed the heavy snowfall and the conditions were great for skiing, it caused some issues for resort management.
The snowfall caused a disruption in power supply for about four hours on Sunday because of ice on the power lines.

As at press time, the snowfall has not yet abated.According to a South African Weather Services forecaster Kgolo Mahlangu, the snowfall is caused by a combination of systems, a cut-off-low and the South Atlantic high-pressure system.